Finance and Investment for children
The «Finance and Investment for Children» business game is a tabletop economic board game with a field and cards. Players take turns making their moves, allocating personal finances and choosing different opportunities for investing money, creating a retirement savings program and reaching out to the world of the rich.
The main goal of the game is to overcome the four levels of the game as quickly as possible and reach the finish line, passing the world of the rich.
In the game, you can buy a business, trade in real estate, bet on the stock exchange and engage in bank savings. Particular attention in the game is given to pension programs, which should explain to the rising new generations how the rich take care of their old age. To move from level to level, players must save more and more money each time. This is how children and teenagers form the habit of saving.

The game is designed for children of those who use the business simulators «Finance and Investment», «Oligarch Cash Flow» and «Private Money Real Game». Now you can play financial simulators with the whole family!
Preparing for the game
1. Put the game field in the center of the table, put the players' chips on the «Start» cell
2. Give each of the players one banknote of 5 and five banknotes of 1
3. Lay out the deposit, credit and skip a turn cards in the appropriate cells on the game field
4. Find a place on the table and arrange the business cards into levels
5. Separate the rich and real estate cards
6. Choose the one who will be the banker in the game - he will issue money
7. Have each player roll the die - whoever has the most goes first
8. Pass the turn clockwise
Game Goals:
- Buy businesses and real estate, save money on deposits
- Save money for a decent retirement every level
- Climb the income ladder to the Rich Level
- Complete five Rich Level quests to win:
— Do a charity project
— Hire the best lawyers in the world
— Prepare a will and leave a generous inheritance to children and grandchildren
— Acquire a family estate for your dynasty
— Get a private jet to fly to the finish line as soon as possible and become the winner of the game!
All the rules of the game are written directly on the playing field, which greatly simplifies the gameplay. Just go and do what is allowed by the rules of the game.
Game Rules
1. Roll the die and move to the number of cells rolled
2. Buy businesses or earn on opportunities
3. On the red cells, fulfill the requirements! If there is no money, skip turns for the amount of the debt
4. If there is no money, take skip a turn cards for the amount of debt or pledge assets
5. Passing «BANK» or on it, get income
6. Save money wisely: deposits will help you
7. Deposit and credit cards can only be bought or sold on the «BANK» cell
8. You can go to another level only by depositing money at the cash desk on the «PENSION» cells
9. If there is no money for pension, return to the beginning of the level (the previous «PENSION» cell)!
10. Pension savings are not returned to the player
11. When moving in the opposite direction, the cells of the game field do not work
12. Businesses and real estate can be mortgaged and redeemed (see the back of the card)
13. After rolling, you can buy only ONE point on the die (charity)
14. An extra point can only be bought to move forward
15. Business or real estate (assets) can only belong to one player
16. You can trade and resell opportunities to each other
- Move only one square forward if you roll a 5 or 6. If not, stop and wait!
- Donate 100 to charity to buy one die point
- You can move on only after fulfilling the conditions of the cell!
- If there is no money, go back to the nearest income (yellow) cell
- On cells with the phrase «Get income!» take money from the bank from your assets
Prominent global investors are depicted on gaming banknotes:
- Robert Toru Kiyosaki (1)
- Bodo Schäfer (5)
- Sir John Templeton (10)
- Peter Andreas Thiel (20)
- Warren Edward Buffett (50)
- John Rockefeller (100)
«Finance and Investment for children» business game Reviews
“Unrealistically exciting! My six-year-old son (overly restless, between us) hasn't left the table for 3 hours. Very very cool!! My observations in the game. Jan (6 years old) aspired to be like me. When he was convinced that I was the best at the table now, he instantly adopted my successful strategies. He counted in his mind! Dozens, twenties and hundreds. Some even multiplied. After a while, he realized that the given money, which he had just earned, returned and brought new money with him. After a while, I realized that this is not magic, but is called business, apartments and a deposit!”
“I want to thank Konstantin Vladimirov for the game Finance and Investments for Children. 3+ hours flew by unnoticed in the pursuit of wealth. I liked the game for its simplicity of rules, rustling gaming bills. There is always room for partnership in your games, which is very important. I think that it turned out to be the best game for children in finance. A game that you can play on your own at home, with friends, classmates. This game helps to better understand the world of adult finance and prepare children for what lies ahead. This game is about business, it engenders business thinking. And it makes you think about the future, including pensions. All parents and adults really liked it and everyone is asked to repeat it. For parents, this is a great opportunity to see their children from a new angle). I am sure that after the game there will be a lot of topics to talk about money. I was happy to support the crowdfunding of the game and invite others to get acquainted with a cool educational financial board for children 8+”
“Time for the game flew by absolutely unnoticed. The game itself is very dynamic; You are already starting to recalculate income, enter into numerous transactions, repurchase and negotiate along the way. In short, fun and useful, we recommend! And Ivan, my son, well done!”
“Yesterday we played a new game “Finance and Investments for Children”. Again, this is not a game. This is a serious financial simulator. In a simple and understandable form for children. We drove with the fear that it would be difficult for a 6-year-old boy to figure it out. But no. He beat everyone and even won. Not everything went smoothly. Either he jumped for joy, then he was very upset, then he wanted a cake, and not to play. But still, he came to the end. Probably really wanted a cake)) Many thanks for this game and for the fact that the author creates such useful things.
“Three children - 7, 11 and 13 - and I played this game. The seven-year-old girl was interested, she played with her dad, but then she got bored, and she gave everything of hers to another. The 11-year-old and the 13-year-old played with passion. After dad won, they finished off the battle for second and third place. There were a lot of emotions, a lot of buzz. They fought. There was also a quick count, which pleased me as a father. I encouraged them: “If you calculate your income more than it is, I will correct you. But if you count less, you get less.” And they began to count, although they usually do not like it. At first, one of the boys had nothing but one ruble. And then he took second place and he had a lot of emotions. Screams, squeals, emotions over the edge, and at the same time, most importantly, there is an educational moment.
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