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Самые последние новости, интервью, события, статьи — все, что связано с полезными играми!

Архив за месяц Сентябрь 2022

Круглова Надежда — РЕЦЕНЗИЯ на настольную карточную ролевую игру «Детская Вот так Ситуация!»

В современных условиях наблюдается повышенный интерес к неформальным способам обучения, способствующим всестороннему развитию детей и подростков. Многие педагоги и психологи активно используют игровые методы и технологии в работе с детьми и подростками.

Настольная игра «Ситуация», может применяться для тренировки у детей и подростков навыков конструктивного взаимодействия и разрешения конфликтов.

В описании к игре имеется очень грамотно и понятно составленная инструкция, прописаны все роли и последовательность действий для каждого участника.

Следует отметить, что игра может применяться как диагностический материал в работе психологов и педагогов для проверки уровня сформированности навыков коммуникации, особенностей взаимодействия детей друг с другом, умения вести себя в конфликтной ситуации, а также для других целей на усмотрение специалиста. Кроме этого, наиболее широкую область применения данной игры можно обозначить, как средство обучения детей поведению в конфликтной ситуации. Именно в игре (в том числе и в игре «Ситуация»), под руководством и управлением взрослого дети учатся выстраивать коммуникацию и взаимодействие, договариваться друг с другом, искать компромиссы, что наделяет данную игру большим образовательным потенциалом. Для усиления эффекта обучения можно дополнить каждую проигранную ситуацию разбором и анализом совместно с педагогом или психологом.

Очень значимым является п.13 в инструкции, подразумевающий выход из сыгранной роли, что свидетельствует об ответственном подходе автора к созданию игровой ситуации.

В качестве рекомендаций можно высказать пожелание, о возможности судей вмешаться в игру детей, если она выйдет из-под контроля и спровоцирует реальный конфликт между детьми. Дети в силу возраста могут увлечься и потерять восприятие игровой ситуации, что может перерасти в конфликт. Считаю важным дополнить инструкцию этим условием, чтобы судьи могли предотвратить такой исход игры.

В целом игра «Ситуация» К. П. Владимирова имеет логическую структуру, интересный подбор актуальных для детей и подростков ситуаций, а также красочное и привлекательное оформление.

Игра «Ситуация» К. П. Владимирова может быть рекомендована к выпуску и применению в рамках занятий детей и подростков с психологами или педагогами, а также для личного пользования.

Круглова Надежда Валентиновна

магистр психологических наук, практикующий психолог



Differences of business simulators «Finance & Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» from other economic games

Most often, any economic games are compared with the world’s most famous game of this genre, «Monopoly» by Charles Darrow. And therefore, first of all, you need to understand how business simulators differ from this Titanic of the world of board games. Any business simulator is much more suitable for the formation of the mindset of a team player, an enterprising entrepreneur who knows how to compete profitably and cooperate profitably, and is not only an entertaining, but also an educational game.

The main disadvantage of the «Monopoly» game is its main goal: rationally using start-up capital, achieve ruin and bankruptcy of other players and take a dominant position. Unlike it, the «Oligarch’s Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators are not focused on direct competition. The basis of the «Monopoly» mechanics is walking in a circle and collecting cards of the same color, developing your business by investing money in its growth and ruining other players. In business simulators, it is possible to open joint businesses. It is only important to be the first to fulfill your own goals, and not harm other players.

The next well-known competitor to the «Oligarch’s Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators is Robert Kiyosaki’s «Cash Flow» game, first published in 1996. It is based on the principles of studying the basics of cash flow and accounting and has only two levels: the level of accumulation of initial capital (the so-called «Rat Race» or «Squirrel Wheel») and the level of creation of material and spiritual wealth («Fast Track») . The main disadvantages of this development: limited opportunities, outdated basic principles of increasing capital through the purchase of real estate only through mortgage lending without taking into account changes in the refinancing rate and lending rates. In addition, Kiyosaki’s game is not adapted to the conditions of the CIS.

Below I will compare «Oligarch’s Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators with the best economic games on the market («Cash Flow», «Rat Race», «Flixa», «Monopoly») in several dozen key parameters.

Game set execution, design

«Monopoly». There are options for every taste and budget. Basically an expensive beautiful gift edition, a field on hard laminated cardboard. Cartoon design. Figured metal chips and plastic meeples. New editions have electronic cash registers. «Cash Flow 101». Expensive beautiful gift edition, field on hard laminated cardboard. Cartoon design. Figured plastic chips. The new edition has the ability to use a mobile application for keeping records. «Finance and Investments». Expensive beautiful gift edition, field on hard laminated cardboard, 600 cards with rounded corners on thick cardboard. Strict design. Figured plastic chips. «The Oligarch’s Cash Flow». Large self-assembly box made of hard cardboard. 500 color cards on thick cardboard. Soft laminated playing field. Discreet design. «Rat race». Big box. Cartoon design. Soft laminated cardboard fields, hard box and black and white cards on colored paper. «Flixa». A set of cards in a small self-assembly cardboard box. Bright design.

What is included in the game?

Finance and Investment

Box, foam pad, 2 dice, game board, rules booklet with quick start instructions and glossary, 30 player sheets and 10 market sheets, 6 pencils, 1 pen, 1 felt-tip pen, 6 chips, 1 sharpener, 1 eraser and main component:

  • 24 stacks of unique game cards, 600 in total, tightly interconnected with each other. Many are invariant (act under certain conditions):
    • depends on the level of the game;
    • depend on the profession of the player;
    • depend on the rank of the player;
    • depends on the gender of the player;
    • depend on the state of his affairs, the presence of certain assets / liabilities, children, completed trainings, courses;
    • depend on education.

Oligarch Cash Flow

Box, cardboard box, 2 dice, game board, rules booklet with quick start instructions and glossary, 30 player sheets and 10 market sheets, 6 pencils, 6 chips, 1 sharpener, 1 eraser and main component:

  • 17 stacks of unique game cards, 500 in total, tightly interconnected with each other. Many are invariant (act under certain conditions):
    • depends on the level of the game;
    • depend on the profession of the player;
    • depend on the rank of the player;
    • depends on the gender of the player;
    • depend on the state of his affairs, the presence of certain assets / liabilities, children, completed trainings, courses;
    • depend on education.

Business Simulator Cash Flow

Box, 2 dice, game board, game bills, game rules booklet, player and market slips, pencils, 6 chips, sharpener, eraser and 5 stacks of 270 unique game cards, some of which are tightly interconnected with others, some are invariant.

Cash flow 101

Box, 2 dice, cardboard tray, game board, playing bills, game rules booklet, player and market forms, pencils, 6 chips and a set of colored chips, sharpener, eraser and 4 stacks of 140 game cards, loosely interconnected with each other.

Rat race

Box, dice, game board, game bills, rules booklet, player and market slips, pencils, chips, sharpener, eraser and 450 unique game cards in 8 stacks. The game balance is broken: some cards come out too quickly, others, on the contrary, slowly. Very frequent repetition of situations.


Box, 2 dice, cardboard lodgment, playing field, playing bills, game rules booklet, metal chips, plastic houses and hotels, about 100 unique game cards in two piles, several dozen street cards.


Box, rules booklet, player and market slips, 100 unique game cards.

Game Rules

Only «Monopoly» can boast of the simplest rules. Next in terms of difficulty are «Flixa» and «Rat Race». Medium difficulty rules for «Cash Flow» and «Cash Flow Business Simulator». These games may require a host. The business simulators «Finance and Investments» and »

Most often, any economic games are compared with the world’s most famous game of this genre, «Monopoly» by Charles Darrow. And therefore, first of all, you need to understand how business simulators differ from this Titanic of the world of board games. Any business simulator is much more suitable for the formation of the mindset of a team player, an enterprising entrepreneur who knows how to compete profitably and cooperate profitably, and is not only an entertaining, but also an educational game.

The main disadvantage of the «Monopoly» game is its main goal: rationally using start-up capital, achieve ruin and bankruptcy of other players and take a dominant position. Unlike it, the «Oligarch’s Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators are not focused on direct competition. The basis of the «Monopoly» mechanics is walking in a circle and collecting cards of the same color, developing your business by investing money in its growth and ruining other players. In business simulators, it is possible to open joint businesses. It is only important to be the first to fulfill your own goals, and not harm other players.

The next well-known competitor to the «Oligarch’s Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators is Robert Kiyosaki’s «Cash Flow» game, first published in 1996. It is based on the principles of studying the basics of cash flow and accounting and has only two levels: the level of accumulation of initial capital (the so-called «Rat Race» or «Squirrel Wheel») and the level of creation of material and spiritual wealth («Fast Track») . The main disadvantages of this development: limited opportunities, outdated basic principles of increasing capital through the purchase of real estate only through mortgage lending without taking into account changes in the refinancing rate and lending rates. In addition, Kiyosaki’s game is not adapted to the conditions of the CIS.

Below I will compare «Oligarch’s Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators with the best economic games on the market («Cash Flow», «Rat Race», «Flixa», «Monopoly») in several dozen key parameters.

Game set execution, design

«Monopoly». There are options for every taste and budget. Basically an expensive beautiful gift edition, a field on hard laminated cardboard. Cartoon design. Figured metal chips and plastic meeples. New editions have electronic cash registers. «Cash Flow 101». Expensive beautiful gift edition, field on hard laminated cardboard. Cartoon design. Figured plastic chips. The new edition has the ability to use a mobile application for keeping records. «Finance and Investments». Expensive beautiful gift edition, field on hard laminated cardboard, 600 cards with rounded corners on thick cardboard. Strict design. Figured plastic chips. «The Oligarch’s Cash Flow». Large self-assembly box made of hard cardboard. 500 color cards on thick cardboard. Soft laminated playing field. Discreet design. «Rat race». Big box. Cartoon design. Soft laminated cardboard fields, hard box and black and white cards on colored paper. «Flixa». A set of cards in a small self-assembly cardboard box. Bright design.

What is included in the game?

Finance and Investment

Box, foam pad, 2 dice, game board, rules booklet with quick start instructions and glossary, 30 player sheets and 10 market sheets, 6 pencils, 1 pen, 1 felt-tip pen, 6 chips, 1 sharpener, 1 eraser and main component:

  • 24 stacks of unique game cards, 600 in total, tightly interconnected with each other. Many are invariant (act under certain conditions):
    • depends on the level of the game;
    • depend on the profession of the player;
    • depend on the rank of the player;
    • depends on the gender of the player;
    • depend on the state of his affairs, the presence of certain assets / liabilities, children, completed trainings, courses;
    • depend on education.

Oligarch Cash Flow

Box, cardboard box, 2 dice, game board, rules booklet with quick start instructions and glossary, 30 player sheets and 10 market sheets, 6 pencils, 6 chips, 1 sharpener, 1 eraser and main component:

  • 17 stacks of unique game cards, 500 in total, tightly interconnected with each other. Many are invariant (act under certain conditions):
    • depends on the level of the game;
    • depend on the profession of the player;
    • depend on the rank of the player;
    • depends on the gender of the player;
    • depend on the state of his affairs, the presence of certain assets / liabilities, children, completed trainings, courses;
    • depend on education.

Business Simulator Cash Flow

Box, 2 dice, game board, game bills, game rules booklet, player and market slips, pencils, 6 chips, sharpener, eraser and 5 stacks of 270 unique game cards, some of which are tightly interconnected with others, some are invariant.

Cash flow 101

Box, 2 dice, cardboard tray, game board, playing bills, game rules booklet, player and market forms, pencils, 6 chips and a set of colored chips, sharpener, eraser and 4 stacks of 140 game cards, loosely interconnected with each other.

Rat race

Box, dice, game board, game bills, rules booklet, player and market slips, pencils, chips, sharpener, eraser and 450 unique game cards in 8 stacks. The game balance is broken: some cards come out too quickly, others, on the contrary, slowly. Very frequent repetition of situations.


Box, 2 dice, cardboard lodgment, playing field, playing bills, game rules booklet, metal chips, plastic houses and hotels, about 100 unique game cards in two piles, several dozen street cards.


Box, rules booklet, player and market slips, 100 unique game cards.

Game Rules

Only «Monopoly» can boast of the simplest rules. Next in terms of difficulty are «Flixa» and «Rat Race». Medium difficulty rules for «Cash Flow» and «Cash Flow Business Simulator». These games may require a host. The business simulators «Finance and Investments» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» have rules optimally balanced in complexity with step-by-step instructions for a quick start of the game. The rules are accompanied by a dictionary of economic terms and historical facts, the theory of cash flow. Together with these simulators, upon purchase, a special video course is provided — learning how to play the game.

Possibility to challenge the rules

Only in the business simulators «Finance and Investments» and «Cash Flow of the Oligarch» there is an opportunity to sue (the mechanism has been worked out) and challenge the situation that has arisen.

Game field

The game «Flixa» has no field, no dice, no chips. The playing field is formed from game cards laid out in a special way. The games «Rat Race» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» have a soft laminated cardboard field. The games «Monopoly», «Finance and Investments», «Cash Flow» have a field on hard, high-quality laminated cardboard. These games look more expensive. For the business simulator «Finance and Investment», an additional field is produced on an expensive high-quality velvet fabric oversized.

The fields in the games «Cash Flow», «Cash Flow Business Simulator», «Rat Race» have two levels: «Rat Race» («Squirrel Wheel») tracks for creating initial capital and «Fast Track» for fulfilling dreams and creating wealth . The fields of the business simulators «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» have four tracks in accordance with the cash flow quadrants. Levels: «Employee», «Entrepreneur», «Business» and «The Path of the Oligarch». These games have a variant of the game without a field.

Levels of the game

(the presence of the so-called «fast track»)

In «Monopoly» and «Flixa», there are no levels and no fast track. There are two levels in the «CASHFLOW 101» game. The second one is called the fast track. You can only buy businesses and dreams on it. In «CASHFLOW 202», you can still capture businesses with a white raider takeover and open franchises. Playing on the fast track is highly regulated and boring for professionals. Dreams do not contain expenses, which is the worst investment mistake! The fast lane game in «CASHFLOW» copies the principles of Charles Darrow’s «Monopoly» game. The game «Rat Race» can have 2-3 levels, depending on the version. These levels are presented in the form of additional small circles and additional sets of cards. The «Cash Flow Business Simulator» has two levels and a fast track. On it, the player has many more options compared to Robert Kiyosaki’s game: buying an enterprise, opening a franchise network independently and jointly, white takeover, black takeover, banking with three banks, stock trading, venture capital investment. All dreams have an expendable part, which is closer to reality, the process of achieving victory is more complicated.

In the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators there are four levels corresponding to the cash flow quadrants. There is no fast track. Robert Kiyosaki’s so-called «Cash Flow» fast track in this business simulator is replaced by the second and third levels of the game «Entrepreneurship» and «Business». You can buy dreams and businesses at these levels. All similar features of the «Cash Flow Business Simulator» have been taken into account and improved. These simulators provide an opportunity to try yourself at a higher level of the «Path of the Investor (Oligarch)» (fourth level). It features fundamentally new opportunities that reveal the principle of thinking of the oligarchs: deals to invest in entire sectors of the economy, political struggle and the creation of cultural values.

Ability to optimize the game

It is possible to use cards of the «CASHFLOW 202» game version and the «CASHFLOW Business Simulator» along with the field from the standard «CASHFLOW 101» game. «Monopolies» of different versions are incompatible. «Flixa» is released with two additions «And the Crisis struck!» (25 cards) and «Let’s Do Business!» (20 cards), which significantly increase the gaming possibilities. «Rat Race» versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 may be compatible. In the business simulators “Finance and Investment” and “Oligarch Cash Flow”, all cards are numbered and divided into piles. This allows you to introduce scenarios and trends into the game, exclude or introduce various opportunities into the game (for example, you can easily exclude all real estate or the entire MLM from the game). The ability to introduce new piles into the game and upgrade the game. High game invariance.

After sales service

Only EAP «Igrika» provides buyers of its games with updates and distribution of useful information, advice on playing the game, release of add-ons, additional training on playing the game, seminars for the exchange of experience for presenters, conferences and advanced training courses. With the purchase of the game, each presenter can join the Community of Game Practitioners, where there is a constant exchange of experience between the leading games.


«CASHFLOW 101» has only one option: to buy an add-on to the basic set and add «CASHFLOW 202» cards. The design of the game has recently been updated for the first time in two decades. The «Rat Race» is replenished every year with a new version with the next serial number: 101, 202, 303, 404, etc. Theoretically the versions are compatible. «Flixa» receives an expansion to the game every 2-3 years. The «Oligarch’s Cash Flow» business simulator has constant updates. Since the game is released in mini-runs of 50-100 copies, this allows you to correct inaccuracies and improve cards and rules. The fifth edition of the game is called «Finance and Investment» and has received a significant list of updates. The cards of the fifth edition fit the fields of all the previous ones. Monopoly is conservative and in no hurry to update the mechanics that have been proven for decades. However, various versions are released with new designs and new settings.


The «Rat Race» is the most gambling game. The struggle for assets is going on with the maximum intensity of passions, there are many illegal operations in the game: bribes, bribery, dirty deals. Particular attention is paid to sales policies. «Monopoly» has a high level of excitement, you need to compete hard with other players for a place in the sun. In the «Flixa» game, it is impossible to harm other players, as a result of which the excitement is average, arising only due to price fluctuations in the real estate and securities markets, there are no illegal operations. There are practically no illegal operations in «Cash Flow», they are not encouraged, the excitement is low. In the business simulators «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» there is low excitement at the beginning of the game, illegal operations are not encouraged, but they are presented in sufficient volume. There is a criminal path for people with a special temperament and lack of conscience. Thanks to these simulators, you can test your future partners for honesty. High excitement at the end of the game, when it becomes possible to influence various spheres of society: politics, internal affairs, economy and culture.

Number of participants

«Monopoly» can be played by 2-6 people in the table version and 2-8 in the card version. In general, the optimal number of players for any economic game is no more than 5-6 people. Otherwise, the dynamics of the game drops dramatically. However, all other games have a stated number of players between 2 and 10.

Cooperation between players

In the «Oligarch Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators, as well as in the «Flixa» game, interaction between players is encouraged. Loans and agreements between players are allowed, cooperation and joint achievement of success are encouraged, the player has the right to hire another player to draw up his report, conduct business, etc. Some transactions are possible only with cooperation. In «CASHFLOW 101», player interactions other than buying and selling assets are prohibited. There is no cooperation in «Monopoly». You need to compete hard and ruin other players. In the game «Rat Race» is possible, but difficult to implement.

Analysis of deals and opportunities

Least of all opportunities for analysis in the game «Monopoly». The choice of purchased cells depends only on the player’s luck: whoever runs first will buy it if there is enough money. It is almost impossible to analyze the benefits from transactions. The only principle in the game is to buy what you can, build what your means allow. In the game «Rat Race» there is a choice of piles according to your financial capabilities. The cards analyze the Cost/Income ratio. In the Flix game, the profit from investments at the current moment of the market and the risk of investments are analyzed. The game simulates the live movement of the stock market and price fluctuations in the real estate market. The game «Cash Flow 101» is focused only on fundamental analysis (expensive / cheap, profitable / unprofitable). The player can choose cards from only two piles. The game «Cash Flow 202» is focused on the technical analysis of price trends over time (you need to buy an add-on). The widest opportunities for analyzing transactions are presented in the «Oligarch Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators. At the first level of the game, it is safer to invest using fundamental analysis (expensive / cheap, profitable / unprofitable). Therefore, at the “Employee” level, there are only three stacks of cards with deals that are convenient for this type of analysis (four in “Finance and Investment”). With each subsequent level, more and more opportunities and market news are added, according to which it is possible to carry out a fairly accurate technical analysis (trends, trends, waves). It also becomes possible to analyze the risks from investments, to insure assets. The cards contain information for both fundamental analysis and technical analysis. For simpler variants of the game, it is enough not to read additional information.

Audit in the game

In the «CASHFLOW 101» game, the auditor in the game only checks the reports. In the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators , the auditor not only checks the reports, but also monitors the time of execution of transactions, and also has the right to fine the participant if errors are found in the reports. Due to the audit, control over the correct filling of reports is created. There are no auditors in other games.

Personal financial statement

In the «Finance and Investment» business simulator the most simplified forms of the player and the market. «Oligarch Cash Flow», «Cash Flow Business Simulator» have detailed complex forms, while «Rat Race» and «Cash Flow» games have simple complex forms. To play «Flixa», just a sheet of paper is enough. There are no forms in «Monopoly».

Time limits (downtime)

Most economic games do not have time limits. For example, even though «Monopoly» is a fast game, it can reach a dead end and last indefinitely if the capital in the game constantly flows from one player to another. In all my games in the rules, the host and players are asked to keep a close eye on the time. Game participants learn to quickly make the right decisions, allocate their time, plan their actions.


In the «Rat Race» game, professions are too adapted to the reality of the CIS, too natural for the game. Very difficult start due to low income and long swing. In the «CASHFLOW» game, professions are simply translated from English and are far from the reality of the CIS. In the «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulator, there are six ranks of starting professions, conditionally adapted to the reality of the CIS. There are three professions in each rank, there is a job market, a mechanism for choosing professions has been worked out, and it is possible to change professions in the game. In the «Finance and Investment» business simulator, in addition, there are two additional ranks with 6 more professions. Professions are not taken into account in other games.

Getting income

In «Monopoly», active income in the form of salary, a fixed amount, is issued at the beginning of each game round. Passive income is generated from rent payment when another player enters your sector. In «Cash Flow» and the «Rat Race», only work is considered as the main source of active income, there are no others. Passive income is formed by investing. In «Flixa», active income is a fixed amount of savings given out at the beginning of each hand. Passive income is generated from real estate and business. In the “Finance and Investment” and “Oligarch Cash Flow” business simulators, income depends only on the player. During the accounting period, the player receives as much as he earned with the help of his assets and active sources of income. Active income (earnings) is possible not only from work, but also from several different sources from MLM to freelancing. There is an opportunity to develop and build a career. Passive income is formed by investing.

Additional training, qualifications

The “Oligarch Cash Flow” business simulator contains advanced training opportunities: trainings, self-education, advanced training, development of employees of your enterprises and corporate training. There is an opportunity to get a new and additional education, take refresher courses and trainings, change a profession. There is an opportunity to build a career as a top manager. Training affects business and real estate income, the effectiveness of transactions. In the «Finance and Investment» business simulator, in addition, trainings are placed in a separate stack of «Development» cards, which allow not only building a career, but also developing and scaling existing businesses at any level of the game. Some types of training give access to additional features in the game. In other games, there is no opportunity to undergo training and increase your efficiency.

Bank deposits

Bank deposits and other accumulative structures are widely represented in the «Oligarch Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators. There are also deposits in the «Flixa» game. There are none in other economic games.

Bank lending

In the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators there are two competitive banks, there are several lending options, private lending institutions. A lending mechanism has been developed: it is forbidden to take loans for the purchase of shares, it is forbidden to take several types of loans in one game day, a loan for a loan is prohibited, debt restructuring is allowed, etc. In «Cash Flow» there are two options for lending, it is allowed to take a loan for a loan, which is not true.
Kiyosaki himself wrote about this in one of his books. He described only one story, when, in order to buy a property that was profitable at that time, Robert really managed to outwit bank employees and take out two loans in one day. Taking advantage of the fact that he was well known in both banks, he took out a loan from one of them. With this loan, he made an impressive first installment to the seller of the property and, with preliminary documents for the purchase, went to another banker he knew, without informing him that the real estate purchase transaction was financed by a loan from another bank. Having received a loan from a second bank, Kiyosaki managed to buy a fairly expensive property. Such transactions are extremely risky, often illegal and, moreover, are on the verge of a reputational foul.
In the Rat Race, lending is poorly developed. It doesn’t exist in «Monopoly» at all. However, it is possible to mortgage the property. There are two types of loans in «Flixa».

Cashless payment system

In the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators, as well as in the «Flixa» game, only cashless payments using the player’s form. Requires filling out forms and mental calculations. In all other economic board games, banknotes of various denominations are used for calculations. Monopoly has premium publications where payments are made using a cash register and plastic cards.

Sale of assets

In «Cash Flow» and «Rat Race», only passive sale of assets by news cards or agreements to other players is possible. Possible sale to the bank for bankruptcy. In the Flixa and Monopoly games, you can sell assets to each other or pledge to a bank. In the «Cash Flow Business Simulator» there are two sectors where there is an opportunity to sell your assets yourself and act as a seller. In the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators, for the first time for such games, an expanded market for trading businesses is presented. You can create startups, you can combine businesses into holdings and sell them to investors. Free trade of business shares between players and all other features listed above.


In «Monopoly» and the «Rat Race», when a player goes bankrupt, they are out of the game. In «CASHFLOW» and «Flixa», there is one way to get out of bankruptcy. There are four ways to get out of the crisis in the «Cash Flow Business Simulator», there is an opportunity to leave the game at will. In the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators there are five ways to get out of bankruptcy and pay off debts.

Mortgage and leasing

The «Cash Flow» Game by Robert Kiyosaki is based on mortgage loans without the possibility of changing the refinancing rate. At the time of its creation, no one seriously thought about it. Moreover, on the wave of hype, a solid mortgage bubble was inflating just at that time. Similar to how they are now inflating cryptocurrency. This is very well told in the 2015 film «The Big Short». Kiyosaki managed to make money before the bubble burst. However, then he had to bankrupt one of his companies. After the mortgage crisis in America in 2007-2008, the game of Robert Kiyosaki lost its relevance and misleads ignorant people. It is good at most for a motivational push to study the world of finance. But to call it a serious learning tool today is already dangerous! In reality, many people suffered significant losses due to an increase in the lending rate and were not ready for this. The US real estate market collapsed and led to the bankruptcy of many people who used the Kiyosaki enrichment principle. The peak of evictions and seizure of real estate in favor of banks occurred in 2009. The US mortgage crisis was one of the forerunners of the global economic crisis, the consequences of which we are still raking. In the game «Cash Flow» there is no possibility of paying off mortgages on real estate and liabilities of enterprises.

The game “Cash Flow Business Simulator” is different in that mortgage and leasing loans
we can repay ahead of schedule, however, the already paid interest on these loans are considered penalties for early repayment, which is close to the real terms of lending. Mortgages are poorly represented in the «Rat Race» game. In the games «Flixa» and «Monopoly» it is not.

For «Oligarch Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators, a mechanism for the early repayment of all leasing loans, loans and mortgages has been worked out in detail. The cards immediately indicate the amount of all payments with and without a mortgage. The mortgage itself is calculated on the basis of actual conditions at Russian rates of 2015. All negative and positive scenarios for the development of events in the state economy (changes in the interest rate on mortgage loans, refinancing rates) are described. You can train your real estate skills to avoid future crises. In the event of a decrease in the refinancing rate, real estate becomes more profitable and, conversely, with growth, it can turn into a liability.

Set of securities

The widest range of securities, from penny stocks and mutual funds to blue chips and eurobonds, is in the «Oligarch Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investment» business simulators. The games have junk and profitable shares, vouchers, the possibility of privatizing state-owned enterprises, funds, indices, bonds (more than 20 types of securities). There are 6 types of securities in the «Cash Flow Business Simulator», 4 types in the «Cash Flow» and «Rat Race». In «Flixa», there are 4 types of stocks and bonds.

Options and derivatives of financial instruments, margin trading

Options are presented in the electronic version of the «CASHFLOW 202» game and add-ons without a good explanation. In the «Flixa» game, it is possible to open short positions. In the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators  the market of derivatives and derivative financial instruments from futures and options to short rates and margin trading, IPO is presented in detail. Description of options with historical references and examples is included in the rules of the game. The study of futures transactions is clear and simple.

Availability of the foreign exchange market

In almost all economic games, there is only one game currency. As a rule, this is a dollar. Some clones of «CASHFLOW» use the national currency — ruble or hryvnia, which makes the game much more difficult and less dynamic. In addition to the game «Flixa» called «And the Crisis struck!» trading in Swiss francs and cryptocurrencies becomes available. In the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators  there are advanced opportunities for trading foreign currency, including margin. There is an opportunity to invest in a foreign economy. There is a market for trading foreign currency (similar to «Forex») and cryptocurrencies.

Internet in the game

Widely represented by various opportunities from courses and freelancing to organizing startups and developing your own Internet company in the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators. Some features in the game are available when you go online. Not available in Monopoly. It is poorly represented in other games.

Startups and venture market

The game of Robert Kiyosaki and «Monopoly» is absent. Weakly represented in other games. The «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators widely present the possibilities of organizing and creating startups, investing in the venture market, the possibility of participating in IPOs of startups and trading their shares.

The presence of network marketing

Only in the «Oligarch Cash Flow» and «Finance and Investments» business simulators  there are advanced options for illustrating the mechanism of MLM. There are two competing MLM companies in the simulators. It is possible to make deals to sell a product, form your own distribution network, qualify yourself and qualify players and virtual people for the highest levels, build an organization and receive passive income from its work. In the games of Robert Kiyosaki, MLM is implemented only in a passive form in the form of cards. The same passive mechanics are found in the «Rat Race» and «Key to Wealth» games. It doesn’t exist in other games. That is why I once developed a special simulator for network companies — «MLM Game». It most fully shows all the principles of direct sales and structure building.

Opportunities in «Expenses» cards

Most of the economic games do not imply the presence of additional opportunities for standard spending. Only in the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators most of the expense cards can be useful and contain additional features for players. In addition, in these games, part of the costs can be compensated for by the actions or game professions previously taken by the players.

The presence of trouble

There are minor ones in «Monopoly» and «Flixa». There is a limited amount of trouble in the «CASHFLOW» game. However, they do not correspond to the level of the game: some can bankrupt a participant already at the start. There is a significant amount of trouble in the «Rat Race», there is crime. There is also no match for the player’s income levels. In the «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators, the troubles in the game always correspond to the level of the game and the player’s income. The higher the capital of the player, the more difficult tests he will face. Expanded negative scenarios and opportunities for training skills to work in crisis conditions. Various unpleasant situations in which players train their skills to counter fraudsters: in the game there are thieves, financial pyramids, and dishonest officials. However, in these simulators, some troubles can turn into additional opportunities.

Misconceptions and inconsistencies with reality

«Flixa» has a large gap in the movement of prices in the real estate market and shares. Nevertheless, the game is good for learning the basics of economics, trading and entrepreneurship. «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators are based on real events, cases, stories told by experts and consultants, startuppers and investors, mentors. The game has worked out all possible scenarios for the development of events based on the changes that have taken place over the past 30 years in the politics and economy of the CIS countries and Europe. «Cash flow» is a game close to reality. Contains some events from the real life of Robert Kiyosaki. However, it contains inaccuracies, simplifications and fraudulent transactions on the verge of fraud, for example:

  • it is allowed to take a loan for shares, which is a very risky tool even for a sophisticated investor (in reality, a broker can request a source of financing for a transaction and refuse to sell shares);
  • a deceptive impression is created about the safety of loans and credits;
  • it is allowed to take a loan for a loan in one move (day) — financing the first installment at the expense of a consumer loan in order to take a mortgage loan on the basis of a bill of sale. In real life, even in time, this is extremely difficult to do, given the situation in the CIS and the work of bank security departments (credit committee).

Disadvantages of the «Rat Race»:

  • low dynamics of the game due to the undeveloped ratio of income and expenses and the value of assets;
  • too many criminal opportunities and impunity (analogous to modern Ukraine), lawlessness.


  • it is impossible to buy someone else’s property while the enemy has money;
  • joint business and franchising is impossible;
  • there is only one type of income generation (non-permanent), depending on the random probability of a player hitting your property, rent.

Comparison Summary

The «Finance and Investment» and «Oligarch Cash Flow» business simulators made a significant qualitative leap compared to many economic games, combining all the best. At the same time, “Finance and Investment” is the latest and most developed version of the “Oligarch Cash Flow” (see the difference between this games here). If I were to choose a transformational finance game today, I would only choose “Finance and Investment”!

Differences between the «Finance and Investment» business simulator and the «Oligarch Cash Flow» game of all previous versions (2016-2020)

OCF-5.0: Finance and Investment.

    • The name of the 5.0 version of the «Oligarch Cash Flow» game simulator is “Finance and Investment”. The new brand is prominently featured on all printed materials.
    • New Internet address, short for «About the financial game» and a play on words: www.fingame.info
  • The game will be released in three variants:
        1. Basic set — “Finance and Investment” board game in a box.
        2. Online license for the software “Finance and Investment” for a period of one year. Includes: electronic game board with master and players rooms + card issuing mechanism + online report template.
        3. «Finance and Investment for children» board game .
  • Convenient laminated high-quality box «lid-bottom»
    • On the box added tracks for playing in large groups or online
    • The box contains quotes from 4 experts — the best specialists in their field:
      • Alexander Gerchik, professional trader with over 22 years of trading experience. Day trading expert, the safest trader according to Mojo Wall Street Warriors: «This game is an excellent simulator of the life of not only a businessman, but also a trader. With its help, you will learn how to make important and correct decisions in various situations in order to minimize the risks of losses in real life».
      • Yakov Novikov, serial entrepreneur, founder of «Modulbank»: «A great game for those who have long wanted to become an entrepreneur or investor. You will be able to learn one of the most important skills — money management. How to become an entrepreneur from an employee, and from an entrepreneur to an investor? What risks can critically affect your finances? The game will help answer these questions».
      • Svetlana Sageza, expert in the field of transformational games, President of the International Association of Game Practitioners: «You should play at least five times! To build your strategy for today, and then play some more to correct the course. Why several times? Yes, because the brain is simply not able to accommodate so much new information at once! Yes, and psychological resistance interferes, emotions go off scale. I didn’t expect myself to be jumping around the office and running up to the game master when she reads the market news».
      • Sergey Evstifeev, the founder of the largest MLM community of gaming practitioners in the Russian Federation: «The first time I played this financial simulator was back in 2016. Even then, I appreciated the potential of the game and immediately, without hesitation, ordered a wholesale batch. The simulator demonstrates your own reality in the field of money, helps you find the best strategy in the field of personal finance. I regularly play the simulator, and many of my current investments, as well as the development strategies of the MLM structure, have been tested on it. Now there are more than 1,000 partners in my network and grandiose plans for its expansion. Only forward to financial heights!»
    • Convenient foam insert for stacks of cards inside the box.
    • Thick cardboard laminated field with a new design. Changed the color of the cells to the corresponding color of the decks of cards.
  • 680 thick rounded cards in 24 decks.
  • Brand new graphics on card backs. Card design changed. Turnovers are now made mainly in pastel colors, and shirts are as contrasting as possible with gold patterns.

    • Changed and finalized the design of the player’s sheets in both the printed and electronic versions of the game.
    • Branded pens for the Host of the game
    • Quality set of dice and chips
    • Added capital preservation tools (gold, cryptocurrencies, offshore, etc.)
    • Implemented a full-fledged working mechanism of network marketing (MLM)
    • Added TWO new victory options — fulfilling your own dream (added a new stack of cards — «Dream, Goal, Mission») and victory by indicators (KPI)
    • Expanded the possibility of the first and second levels. Now the player has even more choice — 4 stacks of possibilities for each level, eight in total
    • At the first level, a separate “DEVELOPMENT” stack with trainings and tutorials has been added, which allows you not only to build a career, but also develop and scale existing businesses (!) at any level of the game
    • Some types of training give access to additional features
    • Existing business can now scale overseas and build new branches
    • The possibilities of the «Investor» level (previously — «The Path of the Oligarch») have been expanded. Cells now have execution invariance, allowing the player to win the game faster. On the fields «Culture» and «Politics» you can take cards from other piles, «Finance» plays the role of a BANK, not only state, but also offshore.
    • A mandatory condition for switching to the “Investor” level has been added — hiring a Personal Secretary for $5,000 per month. Without this, it became impossible to get to the fourth level of the game. The personal secretary removes all questions of private life. He can be hired at any level.
    • The use of the FlixaCoin cryptocurrency has been expanded — from trading tokens to opening a cryptocurrency exchange and mining coins to post-opening speculation.
    • All odd job deals are scalable and have an impact on both career and business!! Now «Odd Earnings» are possible and justified at any level of games and for any rank of players
    • Two new ranks have been added to the rules — VII “Heads of Funds and Corporations” and VIII “Aristocrats”
    • The influence of player roles on deals in the game has been strengthened and developed. Now the profession is important.
    • FIVE types of banks are now available in the game:
        1. State National Bank (loan at 120% per annum, deposit at 12% per annum)
        2. Foreign bank within the country (loan at 60% per annum)
        3. Swiss bank (deposit from $500,000 at -3% per annum)
        4. Bank in the Cayman Islands (hard offshore, interest-free deposit, transactions -10%)
        5. Players’ own banks.
    • Matching indexes have been added to all cards. For example, SiB is a share in a business, FR is a franchise, etc., which makes it easier to account for assets.
  • At the fourth level of the game, three new cells have been added: “Real estate agency”, “Dreams & goals”, “Stock Exchange”:
      1. Stock Exchange cell allows you to buy / sell any stocks that are currently listed on the exchange at a market price.
      2. Dreams & goals (10 cards) cell allows you to fulfill your dream if the opportunity arises and win. Dream cards have a white laminated side — a glossy laminate. Half is occupied by a standard dream-sample, on the second half you can write down your dream of no less value.
      3. At a real estate agency, you can try to independently sell any property owned by the player.
    • All NEWS in the game are divided by levels (importance and time of messages) and by the interests of the players (separation into news of the stock market and other markets) into 5 decks:
        1. “News” is an analogue of conventional on-air TV. Reports on the situation in the country and the world, without specifying the details. Available from the first level of the game.
        2. «Terminal» — an analogue of access to the personal trading platform of a stock market participant, reflects only current information on stock and securities prices. Available from the first level of the game.
        3. “Messages” is an analogue of subscription publications from business information agencies, when important information about trends and economic news comes to an entrepreneur by subscribing to mail or e-mail. Available from the second level of the game.
        4. “Signals” — an analogue of access to the mailing lists of stock reports and hot news directly from the stock market broker, reflects only the most relevant information on stock and securities prices, sometimes contains more detailed information. Available from the second level of the game.
        5. “Information” is an analogue of rumors and confidential information of the upper strata of society and the elite, available only among members of professional business communities and closed business clubs. Available only from the third level of the game.
    • The game has the ability to open pension and insurance programs
    • The stock market is now divided into 2 levels and three different stacks: «Stocks». “Exchange” and “Investments”. More dangerous and risky assets are moved to the second level of the game.
    • Short bets added to cards. Added Margins and Stop Losses to Exchange Opportunities
    • Added crowdfunding options (book, game, invention)
    • Expanded explanation of some features in the Rules of the Game (e.g. options)
    • The “Entrepreneur” deck now contains more small businesses
    • Expanded custom accounting sheet in the online version
  • Added new instructions for connecting to the online version

Who is this business simulator created for?

1) IT people, programmers, developers. In the game, you can develop an application, assemble a team to promote it, develop a company and sell your startup at an IPO. Think about it: every programmer can write a project, but only a few can sell it to the right person. And this takes time! And what to do while you are in search? The game will show.

2) Ordinary people, non-economists, employees of the public sector, representatives of working specialties and the agro-industrial sector — everyone whom we call ordinary investors will be able to overcome the rejection and fear of investing in financial instruments, the humanities will be able to visually see how investment strategies work and, without wasting energy on studying a mountain of literature, understand what the stock and over-the-counter markets are.

3) Private investors, entrepreneurs, top managers and officials. People who have money today and do not think about the future can see and understand how important it is to make a personal financial plan, have an airbag and a strategy for achieving financial freedom and independence. They can see how important it is to plan financially in order to avoid financial losses in the real estate and business markets so familiar to many entrepreneurs and business owners today. Many big businessmen after the game say: «Ah! if I could learn all this sooner with this board game!»

4) Intellectuals, eggheads, representatives of creative and abstract professions. In this game, you will receive an affordable translation from economic into human language and will be able to touch the world of money without financial loss. This is a great intellectual and elitist way to spend time in the company of interesting and ambitious, mobile and modern people, get enough of the energy of success and advance in understanding your own attitude to money, luxury and wealth.

5) Team leaders, group leaders, inspirers and muses, motivational speakers will find in the game an excellent tool for working with human ambitions and motivation, which can transform a person’s dream of luxury and wealth from an ephemeral blurry «dream» into a real financial goal for the next 3-5 years and show possible ways to achieve it.

6) Newlyweds, lovers, young families. For people who are going to form a family union, get married, future brides and grooms, this game is a great way to test future partners in order to know how they will behave in a situation of lack of money and bankruptcy, or vice versa, how they will change if you start earning big money. You can learn to avoid problems in the formation of the family budget and in the conduct of joint business.

7) Startupers, project authors, everyone who dreams of starting a business with friends in the garage that will change the world must first play in order to understand what investors want, what benefits they are looking for, and what risks they are willing to take. Look at investing from a different angle. You can also see clearly what «Nothing Personal» means in business and test your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and future partners.

8) Salespeople, sales managers, customer service specialists. You can try yourself as a realtor and real estate seller, insurance agent, business broker, consultant, salesman and leader of a network marketing company. You will be able to evaluate for yourself what is the benefit of these people and understand how to actually work with them in real life. Making many transactions in a short time in the game, you will significantly increase your sales and negotiation skills.

9) Game hosts, masters, coaches, facilitators, tutors, moderators and business coaches, psychologists and Gestalt therapists will receive a unique and useful training tool that allows you to change a person’s attitudes in just two hours and show how the psychology of a person gaining access is changing power and money. After the game you will be able to work with a huge number of your own insights, and after playing it for your clients — with their own introjects, requests, problems.

10) CFOs, bankers working with VIP clients, investment fund managers, personal finance consultants can practice their investment risk calculation skills, set goals for their team and try to achieve them. This is, first of all, the development of the skill of goal-setting and team building. For example, your fund has 10 million dollars, and your task is to make 200 million dollars out of them in 5 gaming years, providing the client with 20% per annum on invested funds. Secondly, this is the skill of working with the persuasion of potential customers: in the game you will have to convince people with money to carry out deals that are profitable for you.

11) For HR managers, personnel development specialists, event managers of corporations and large companies, this game will be a real gift for the formation of a high-quality stress relief system and active acquaintance with each other at strategic sessions, corporate training and field events, and internal training.

12) Geeks, gamers, «counters», real boarders and fans of quizzes and quests may also be interested in playing this game. After all, if you are a Real Geek, then you can try to calculate this game and replay it! If you succeed, then you are a True Genius. And if not, and the game beats you, then you are not just a Loser. Not! Everything is worse. You just need to urgently take up self-learning in personal finance management, otherwise the crisis will catch up with you sooner or later (if it hasn’t already, ha-ha).

13) Speakers who often speak from the stage, negotiators and all those who need to be able to control their voice and speak a lot and beautifully, clearly formulate thoughts and communicate information quickly and connectedly. By reading cards and situations, communicating with the players, you can develop both public speaking and conversational skills..

Елена Соронина: каждый может быть богатым! Ты сам автор своей жизни.

— Расскажите о себе и своем призвании, бизнесе?

— Я эксперт по управлению личными финансами и грамотному инвестированию. Сертифицированный независимый финансовый советник, сертифицированный игропрактик игры «Финансы и инвестиции». Мое призвание — сделать так, чтобы как можно больше людей жили без долгов, с чувством счастья, ощущением что деньги есть на реализацию своего потенциала.

— Как Вы можете охарактеризовать себя в двух словах?

— Ответственный математик.

— Когда Вы решили стать игропрактиком и почему?

— Четыре года назад, когда поняла, что игры — это крутой инструмент донести до человека его ошибки, не применяя давления на его психику. Тогда же и случилась моя первая игра в качестве ведущей. Я увидела возможность получения доходов через любимое дело. Тем более, что у финансового консультанта должен быть в арсенале инструмент легкий и понятный для всех.

— Какими были первые шаги в игропрактике?

— Сначала очень долго играла сама и потом наблюдала.

— Какую оценку Вы поставите себе как игропрактику?

— 6 из 10.

— Какова доля удачи и везения в Вашем проекте?

— 40%. Нужные люди приходили в нужное время.

— Есть ли у Вас свой девиз, миссия?

— Миссия — каждый может быть богатым!

— Сколько времени Вы посвящаете игропрактике?

— 40% своей жизни в спокойной рабочей обстановке по своему желанию.

— Сколько Вы берете денег за свою работу?

— За игру с человека 1,500–2,000 российских рублей.

— Что для Вас было самым сложным в работе игропрактика?

— Собирать людей на игры.

— Как ведут себя люди на Ваших играх?

— По-разному. Однажды, человек вытянул карточку и сказал, что недвижимость с государственной поддержкой. Спросил, что это значит. Я сказала, что это ипотека под меньший процент, чем обычный кредит. Человек очень обрадовался, что заметил и не промолчал. В другой раз в игре выпало рождение ребенка. При рождении ребенка нужно было заплатить, а игрок захотел сдать малыша в детский дом, чтобы не платить. Я разрешила это сделать. Привело это к тому, что карма настигла его и он ушел в большой минус. Еще был случай, когда игроки захотели купить акции через третье лицо (финансовые махинации – прим. ред.). Я как ведущий предупредила, что юридически это неправильно. В итоге игрок все потерял из-за нечестности третьего лица. В итоге все игроки сделали вывод, что такое пирамиды.

— Опишите свое самое большое достижение и самый впечатляющий провал в карьере игропрактика?

— Достижение: стала видеть каждого игрока и над чем тому нужно работать. Провал: все игроки за час до игры отказались от игры, а я не взяла предоплату.

— Удалось ли выйти из этого провала?

— Да. Получила опыт. Стала лучше ценить себя и свое время.

— Опишите три Ваших последних достижения в игропрактике?

  • Научилась играть в онлайн игру и управлять табличками.
  • Проводила игру с партнером.
  • Применяю все новые правила в старую игру.

— Как и когда к Вам пришел первый успех?

— Постепенно. Я даже не помню когда.

— Что помогает Вам в работе игропрактика?

— Во время себя подать, мягко давать обратную связь, разговаривать с каждым на его языке.

— Где Вы ищете своих клиентов?

— Через друзей, знакомых.

— В любом деле есть переломные моменты. Какие были у Вас?

— Все бросить и уйти в найм, так как доход нестабилен.

— О чем Вы мечтаете?

— Стать знаменитым игропрактиком хотя бы у себя в городе. А потом планирую выйти на мировые масштабы онлайн.

— Что мешает Вам жить, а что помогает?

— Лень. Нет мотивации когда нет отклика или обратной связи. Помогает вера, что ты сам автор своей жизни.

— Как окружающие воспринимают Вашу работу?

— Смеются и не верят, что получится. Считают, что эта работа несерьезная.

— В чем, по-Вашему, плюсы и минусы работы игропрактиком?

— Плюс — ты работаешь сам на себя, когда хочешь и где хочешь. Минус — если не настроена система привлечения клиентов, то приходит нестабильность и выгорание в привлечении клиентов.

— Расскажите пошагово, что нужно сделать, чтобы стать успешным игропрактиком?

— Изучать пример наставника. Выбирать окружение. Знать точные шаги, что писать, где писать, как привлекать клиентов.

— С чего начинать новичку, если он захочет пойти по Вашим стопам?

— Играть и наблюдать, обучиться на курсе, играть всегда со своими дома.

— Назовите Ваши любимые трансформационные игры, в которые Вы любите играть?

— Назовите Ваши любимые трансформационные игры, которые используете в своей работе?

  • «Секреты Богачей»
  • «Финансы и инвестиции»

— Кто является для Вас непререкаемым авторитетом в сфере игропрактики?

— Пока Артем Кандар.

— По-вашему, какими качествами должен обладать успешный игропрактик?

— Тонким чувством юмора, чутьем, быть психологом.

— Какие могут быть подводные камни в сфере игропрактики?

— Страх быть неуспешным, страх, что не сможешь вырасти до высокого чека.

— Какие профессиональные рекомендации можете дать тем, кто только начинает развиваться в сфере игропрактики?

— Прокачать продажи и свою самооценку.

— Спасибо за Ваше интервью, было очень приятно с Вами общаться!

Материал подготовил Константин Владимиров.

Контакты нашего собеседника, Мастера Игр Елены Сорониной:


Артем Ломакин: обучение финансовой грамотности доступно для любого возраста!

— Расскажите о себе и своем призвании?

— По специальности я математик-программист. Видимо поэтому близка тема финансов и финансовых тренажеров. Сначала проводил игровые тренинги только для взрослых. После различных фестивалей, понял, что есть спрос и для игровых тренингов для детей. Начал разрабатывать программы обучения для детей. Однажды в социальных сетях попалась статья о том, что многие смеются, что в школах финансовую грамотность преподают учителя физкультуры и ОБЖ. И тут я понял, откуда у учителей такие знания. Им сказали: «Надо!», они и ведут. Поэтому пошел в ближайшую школу и предложил директору свои услуги. В школе как раз появилось направление «Финансовая грамотность» и нужен был педагог. Как оказалось, в школах много интересных учебников и рабочих тетрадей по финансовой грамотности, но они все меркнут перед трансформационными играми. Детям очень понравились данные игры, обучение шло легко и интересно. Количество участников все время увеличивалось. Даже пришлось просить автора выслать комплект игры для школы! К концу года сформировал команду из детей по финансовой грамотности, которая оказалась лучшей в районе и участвовали в краевом соревновании. Представляете, бывают соревнования не только по шахматам. В крае мы призового места не заняли, но поняли, что тренироваться надо больше! Уже подаем заявку на следующий год! Чувствую себя на месте. На своем Месте! Видимо дата рождения, 1 июня в День защиты детей, сыграла свою роль! Финансовая грамотность — это очень важный предмет в школе, поэтому надо правильно заинтересовать детей. Дети — наше будущее! Каким мы его воспитаем, такое оно и будет!

— Как Вы можете охарактеризовать себя в двух словах?

— Люблю обучать.

— Когда Вы решили стать игропрактиком и почему?

— Нравилось обучать и самому обучаться. Нравилось общение с интересными людьми. После первой игры в «Денежный поток Олигарха» сразу принял решение стать ведущим! Теперь сам веду игры с 2019 года. А ведь давно хотел проводить такие игры, но не знал о наличии «Денежного потока Олигарха», а «Cashflow-101» надоел (игра «Денежный Поток» Роберта Кийосаки – прим. ред.). Слишком мало карточек в нем и возможностей в отличии от бизнес-тренажера «Денежный поток Олигарха» Константина Владимирова.

— Какими были первые шаги в игропрактике?

— Легкими и Веселыми. При поддержке моего наставника (Артем Кандар – прим.ред.) и видеокурса «Школа Игропрактиков». Быстро и легко были найдены первые испытатели, даже моя мама оценила бизнес-тренажер «Денежный поток Олигарха».

— Какую оценку Вы поставите себе как игропрактику?

— 8 из 10.

— Есть ли у Вас свой девиз, миссия?

— Обучение финансовой грамотности доступно для любого возраста.

— Как Вам удалось добиться успеха в игропрактике?

— Для этого надо постоянно учиться и учиться, а также практиковать полученные знания! И лучше всего это делать с поддержкой своего наставника, родных и близких. Тогда достаточно доли удачи всего в 50%.

— Сколько времени Вы посвящаете игропрактике?

— Все свободное время!

— Опишите свою рабочую обстановку?

— Сейчас рабочая обстановка — это школа и благодарные ученики.

— Сколько Вы берете денег за свою работу?

— Зависит от запроса! Для кого и с какой целью необходимо выполнить работу.

— Бывают ли моменты, когда Вас покидает вдохновение (теряете веру в себя, в свой бизнес)?

— Нет, еще такого не было. Думаю и не будет. У меня трое детей и уже они заинтерисовались играми, поэтому — я в профессии игропрактика надолго!

— Что для Вас было самым сложным в работе игропрактика?

— Научиться фиксировать свои достижения и радоваться маленьким победам.

— Что интересного случалось у Вас на играх?

— Первое озарение у меня произошло уже на пятом игровом тренинге. Он был выездной, меня пригласили провести игры в другом городе. Во время тренинга участнику попалась карточка с наследством: старый большой дом, который надо было отремонтировать, после чего можно было его продать или сдавать в аренду. Игрок этого не сделал, просто забыл об этой возможности. После игры он получил обратную связь, а через несколько минут говорит: «У меня же в реальности есть офис в центре города, может сделать в нем ремонт и сдавать?» После этих слов я понял зачем нужны эти игровые тренинги! В игровой форме намного легче посмотреть на свою жизнь и на свои возможности со стороны!

— Интересно. Получается трансформировались и Вы, и Ваш игрок. Игра была полезна для обоих. А что еще вспомните?

— Была такая ситуация. В игровом тренинге «Денежный поток Олигарха» есть интересная карточка «Норвегия ждет». Вкратце она о том, что можно уволиться с работы и уехать на заработки на нефтяные вышки на полгода. Соответственно надо оставить часть средств своей семье, но заработок окупает все расходы в несколько раз. Так вот, на одном из тренингов, участнику попадается такая карточка и он оплачивает расходы и едет на заработки. Пропускает ходы. По окончанию вахты (в игре – прим. ред.), возвращается на работу и продолжает играть, как и до этого. Самое интересное в том, что он даже не получил тех денег, которые заработал, Вы представляете? О чем это говорит? Как оказалось, то он и в реальной жизни так же относится к деньгам: не считает их, сразу тратит все что заработал и так далее. Изменилась ли его жизнь после этого? Значительно!

— Это уже вторая история, которая открыла глаза участнику на собственную жизнь! А еще есть?

— Эта история уже произошла на игровом тренинге с «серьезными дядями». Проводил игру для бизнесменов и один из них получил обратную связь на вопрос «Почему не взаимодействую с окружающими?». Очень распространенная обратная связь, на любом тренинге в 100% случае она попадается участникам. На следующий день, встречаюсь с ними и мне рассказывают интересную историю. Участник, получивший эту обратную связь, в данный момент ищет спонсоров и помощников в новом проекте. После этой обратной связи, он пошел к конкурентам, рассказал о своей идее и… Как Вы думаете, что произошло? Они его поддержали. Выделили ему недостающие инструменты и подарки участникам его проекта! После этих кейсов я понял: то, что очевидно для Вас, не всегда очевидно для окружающих!

— Опишите свое самое большое достижение в карьере игропрактика?

— Самое большое достижение получилось, после того как провел большую работу! На одном обучении узнал, что надо больше работать в социальных сетях. Начал добавлять новых друзей каждый день и интересоваться, чем мы можем быть полезными друг для друга. через несколько дней, когда результатов не было, руки стали опускаться, но я не переставал это делать. И вот, мне поступил звонок из одной фирмы. Они проводят корпоратив для сотрудников и хотят провести его с пользой, а именно поучаствовать в игровом тренинге! Мероприятие с большим количеством человек, в другом городе и одному мне не справиться. Пришел на помощь мой наставник, с которым мы все сделали на высшем уровне! Все участники и руководство остались довольны! Самое интересное, что с этого момента стали поступать заявки и от других компаний. Вот так это работает.

— Опишите три Ваших последних достижения в игропрактике?

  • Стал обучающим тренером!
  • Заинтересовал собственных детей играми!
  • Нашел нишу для развития себя и игропрактики в школе.

— Как и когда к Вам пришел первый успех?

— После первого выездного тренинга в другой город, за два дня провел четыре игровых тренинга и окупил стоимость купленных мною инструментов (игр и бизнес-тренажеров – прим.ред.).

— С чего начинать новичку, если он захочет пойти по Вашим стопам?

— Посетить игровой тренинг. Можно мой!

— Дайте пять топовых советов для работы начинающего игропрактика?

  • Самое главное это найти себе хорошего наставника, который горит этой профессией!
  • Обучаться и не жалеть денег на обучение, они быстро окупятся!
  • Использовать полученные знания сразу, а не ждать подходящего момента!
  • Найти свой удобный формат и контингент участников!
  • Никогда не сдавайтесь — никогда, никогда, никогда, ни в большом, ни в малом, ни в крупном, ни в мелком, никогда не сдавайтесь!!!

— Расскажите пошагово, что нужно сделать, чтобы стать успешным игропрактиком?

— Принимать участие в игровых тренингах. Найти тренажер по душе! Найти наставника и начать развиваться в этом направлении. Быть «Жадным» в обучении, впитывать информацию как губка! Уметь организовать себя!

— Где Вы ищете своих заказчиков?

— В социальных сетях и на бизнес форумах.

— В любом деле есть переломные моменты. Какие были у Вас?

— Когда я понял, что не все понимают, что такое игропрактика и для чего она нужна. Поэтому надо начинать с детей — это долгосрочная инвестиция в наше счастливое будущее.

— О чем Вы мечтаете?

— Открыть собственную школу, в которой можно будет обучать играючи.

— Что мешает Вам жить, а что помогает?

— Помогает поддержка любимой супруги! Мешать может только лень.

— Каковы Ваши планы в игропрактике?

— Помочь будущему поколению понять все прелести этой профессии.

— Как окружающие воспринимают Ваше работу?

— Великолепно! Они полностью меня в этом поддерживают и это меня радует!

— В чем, по-Вашему, плюсы и минусы работы игропрактиком?

— Плюсы и минусы в том, что ты работаешь сам на себя! Это хорошо, если ты можешь организовать себя и плохо, если ты привык быть работником по найму.

— Какие могут быть подводные камни в сфере игропрактики?

Хейтеры! Они есть и будут в любой профессии и от них никуда не деться.

— Назовите Ваши любимые трансформационные игры, в которые Вы любите играть?

— Назовите Ваши любимые трансформационные игры, которые используете в своей работе?

«Финансы и Инвестиции для детей».

— Кто является для Вас непререкаемым авторитетом в сфере игропрактики?

— Автор и разработчик этих игр — Константин Владимиров. Я не представляю, что за мозг у этого человека, чтобы придумать такие шедевры и продолжать их улучшать.

— Спасибо за похвалу и Ваше интервью, было очень приятно с Вами общаться!

Материал подготовил Константин Владимиров.

Контакты нашего собеседника,

Мастера Игр Артема Ломакина:

Телефон 89181122121

Ботагоз Кельмембетова: Ввязалась-побеждай!

— Расскажите о себе?

— Я собственник бизнеса, действующий игропрактик. Смелая, самодостаточная.

— Когда Вы решили стать игропрактиком и почему?

— В 2021 году, после участия в игре. Мои результаты после участия в игре и трансформация жизни привели меня в игропрактику. С тех пор веду игры.

— Какими были первые шаги в игропрактике?

— Проведение игр один раз в месяц.

— Какую оценку Вы поставите себе как игропрактику (от 1 до 10)?

— 8

— Какова доля удачи и везения в Вашем проекте (от 1 до 10)?

— 70%. Я умею замечать возможности.

— Есть ли у Вас свой девиз, миссия?

— Ввязалась-побеждай!

— Как Вам удалось добиться успеха в игропрактике?

— Непрерывное обучение у наставников. С их поддержкой можно всего добиться.

— Сколько времени Вы посвящаете игропрактике?

— Около 8 часов в неделю.

— Что для Вас было самым сложным в работе игропрактика?

— Первая игра в качестве ведущего.

— Что интересного случалось на Ваших играх?

— На одной из первых игр одна из участниц была неактивной, от слова совсем. Сначала меня это немного напрягало, но далее я приняла решение не делать на этом акцент. После игры участница сказала мне «спасибо», что ее не дергали. Ей в тот момент было комфортно находиться как будто бы вне игры.

— А бывало наоборот?

— Да. На одной из игр, одна из участниц решила взять инициативу в свои руки и начала подталкивать игроков на действия. Это было очень странно и сначала я растерялась, но затем аккуратно взяла инициативу в свои руки, никак не прокомментировав ее поведение. Игра пошла по своему нужному руслу. Был еще случай, когда семейная пара принимала участие в игре, и супруг не давал жене проявлять активность. Ее это злило. Я начала задавать ей больше вопросов, как будто невзначай, и игра приняла другой оборот.

— Опишите свое самое большое достижение и самый впечатляющий провал в карьере игропрактика?

— Достижение: 10 участников одновременно в одной игре. Провал: на запланированную игру не пришел ни один участник. Пришлось перенести игру на другую дату.

— Опишите три Ваших последних достижения в игропрактике?

  • Проведение игр в другой стране.
  • Проведение корпоративных игр.
  • Продажа книг.

— Расскажите ТОП-5 наиболее эффективных приемов в работе игропрактика?

— Уверенность, открытые позы, быть на лайте, не брать на себя излишней ответственности, не поддаваться панике.

— Где Вы ищете своих клиентов?

— Знакомые, инстаграм, отзывы после игр.

— В любом деле есть переломные моменты. Какие были у Вас?

— Когда снижаешь скорость, сложно набрать обороты.

— О чем Вы мечтаете?

— Собственный клуб для проведения игр.

— Что мешает Вам жить, а что помогает?

— Мешает лень, и она же помогает.

— Расскажите пошагово, что нужно сделать, чтобы стать успешным игропрактиком?

— Работать над собой, сотрудничать с наставником. Новичками надо обязательно найти наставника.

— Назовите Ваши любимые трансформационные игры, в которые Вы любите играть?

Их и использую в своей работе.

— Кто является для Вас непререкаемым авторитетом в сфере игропрактики?

Артем Кандар и Анна Левкович.

— По-вашему, какими качествами должен обладать успешный игропрактик?

— Быть осознанной личностью. Важно: нельзя снижать набранную в этом деле скорость и ни в коем случае не останавливаться.

— Спасибо за Ваше интервью, было очень приятно с Вами общаться!

Материал подготовил Константин Владимиров.

Контакты нашего собеседника, Мастера Игр Ботагоз Кельмембетова:
